Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Tonight, I am emotionally spent.  It has been one of those days.

As I made my way to work this morning, I noticed a side street was blocked off and their were emergency vehicles down the road.  It looked like they were at the home of one of my students.  I immediately started asking questions when I got to school. I soon found out that it was not the home of my student, but the home of an old family friend.  Her 16 year old grandson was killed in a house fire.  My heart sank.  This family has been through so much.  Patrick had lost both his mother and father within the last few years.  Now, his 3 other brothers lost him.  I'm sick now thinking about it. 

I don't understand why this happened.  I don't understand how one family can go through so much.  I am not questioning God's will, I am simply wanting some understanding.

Later, I get the news that another friend, a fellow church member/former coworker, lost her son this morning as well. Brian was 25 years old. Another precious child taken from his family.  And again, I don't understand.

As I pray for these families, for the friends of these young men, I send up praise for my family. For the fact that we are safe. We are healthy. I thank God for the blessings in my life. When I picked up my children today, I wrapped my arms around them. Held them. Kissed them. Cherished the moment.  God's ways are not my ways.  Our children are on loan.  They ultimately belong to him.  We must love them, care for them, teach them of this amazing God.  We must cherish them, defend them, guide them.  God can take them back at any moment.  We must make each moment we have with them count.

So, please do these things for me....

Pray for the Odom and McCreary families. Their lives were forever changed today.

Hug your children. Kiss them. Tell them and show them that you love them.

Make sure you and those you love know God. Not just know about him, but really know him. We are not promised tomorrow.  We need to make sure we know where our eternity will be spent.


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