Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some Sunday Thoughts and Some Catching Up

So, my dear sweet friend Glenda had asked me last week to teach Sunday school for her today.  I agreed. Then she emailed me and said she needed me next week instead, and would I still do both weeks. At first I said, "No."  Yes, I was being selfish. There I admit it.  God shook is head in disbelief, I was guilt ridden, and agreed to both weeks.  I emailed some friends hoping they would come.

So, this morning I get up.  My dear sweet husband informs me that I have bags under my eyes. Thank you, Honey.  Nothing fit. Fat rolls were hanging out everywhere.  My dear sweet husband ironed some different clothes for me.  I didn't wear them. Sorry, Honey.  I wore a pair of black maternity pants (no I'm not pregnant). Yes they were comfortable.

Needless to say, I am going to start working on getting in shape again.


As I was stomping through the house, through ill fitting clothing around, I seriously considered not going to church. I'll call Glenda and tell her I don't feel well. But that would be a lie and she is the preacher's wife. She's in cahoots with God, you know.

I was so not wanting to go.  Satan was not wanting me to go. He was trying everything to get me to stay home.  You see, what I didn't know was that not only was I going to be teaching my class, but Newman's class was going to be joining us.  Leslie's husband is such a neat man.  He is full of wisdom (really wished he would have been with us at Toys R Us one night when we were approached by some folks of a different religion).  I felt unworthy teaching his students.  After all, I teach 8 year olds and young adults who don't know whether they are coming or going most days, not those who are used to being filled with wisdom. I'm a rambler. I break out in hives. Oh dear.

I went. I taught. I learned.

I thank Glenda so much for the opportunity she gave me.  I thank those that came, listened, learned (hopefully), and offered words of encouragement.  I will do it again next week.

I think I've almost missed my point.....You see, Satan attacked my self image this morning, the bags, the clothes, the fat rolls, it was all a ploy. He wanted me to stay away from my Father's business today. He knew that I had the opportunity to bless someone and to be blessed myself.  I'm so glad he didn't win.  I think we need to be on the look out for things like that.  Satan will use our weakness to get us off track and out of God's will.  We have to stop him. I stopped him by surrounding myself with wonderful Christian friends this morning.  What a blessing they were to me!  It was a great opportunity to be with folks that I normally don't get to be with.

Last night was the Upward celebration at FBC in Portland. I have to say that we have enjoyed Colin's participation so much in this program. He has grown leaps and bounds.  His confidence. His skills.  What a  cool experience.  Anyway, last night we got to watch Gutsy the Flying Fox.  Well, one thing that stuck out was this statement, "We are in a battle for the souls of our children."  WOW. AMEN.  YES WE ARE.  Our children are pulled in every direction. They are influenced by us, their peers, their teachers, their coaches, TV, Internet, books.  However, as their parents, we are ultimately responsible for them.  It is up to us to "train them up in the way they should go."  It is up to teach them about God, then to show them by standing by what we teach.  We must fight for our children.  We owe it to them. 

Speaking of my children....I am a proud mama.

Colin continues to amaze me.  This morning, he closed my SS class in prayer.  He is doing well at school and is in the gifted program for 3rd graders.

Carson is turning five in April.  WOW.  He is coming out of TBall retirement this year.  He has agreed to play, but only if we were his coaches.  So, guess what I'll be doing this spring.

Baseball, baseball, and more baseball.

Jeffrey is coaching Colin's Pee Wee team again, and we will both be coaching Carson's TBall team.  Can't quit now! 

Carter is growing up.  I can't stand it.  My baby will be a year old in 13 days.   sniff, sniff    Oh, and can you believe he is.......


Yes, my baby has been walking for weeks now.  And yesterday, Carter got his first haircut.  sniff, sniff   He looks like a little boy now, not a baby. LOTS of pictures to come of that.

When I won my first blogger award, I was asked some questions about my pets and I realize that I have failed to answer.  We have a dog and a cat.  Yes, I know that sounds pretty normal, but our dog's name is Big Dog.  Yes, he is a big dog.  Wasn't supposed to be.  He is also nocturnal.  Yes, he rests all day and parties all night. As for our cat, his name is Happy.  Aren't animal names so cute when you let 2 year olds name them?!?!?!?  The cat eats power cords.  I'm waiting for the day when he electrocutes himself like the cat on Christmas Vacation.  He also eats sticky hands and rubber bracelets. He waits to attack.  Loves biting my legs.  He also eats until he pukes.  Gross, I know.  Try stepping in it in the middle of the night.

 Have a wonderful rest of your Sunday.  We are off to church in a bit. Then time to get ready for another week of teaching fourth graders!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this post! I know you did a wonderful job. Steve hated to miss and really appreciates you taking his class!


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