So, in preparation for the day and during the activities, I asked myself that question.
This is me....
I am Natasha.
I am the wife of Jeff.
I am the mother of Colin, Carson, and Carter.
I am the daughter of Jerry and Barbara Murray.
I am the sister of Doug Murray.
I am a fourth grade teacher.
I am a friend (hopefully a good one).
I am a lover of music, yet I can't carry a tune in a bucket.
I am a reader.
I am a writer.
I am a cook.
I am a cleaner, though I don't do it often enough.
I am an encourager.
I am a listener.
I love kids.
I love pets.
I love sunsets.
I love the beach.
I love the mountains.
I love Chicago.
I love living in Kentucky.
I blog.
I wear bold eye shadow.
I am a bit overweight.
I am short.
I have straight hair that does what it wants.
I have gray hair (and I'm ok with that).
I miss my grandfathers.
I cry at weddings.
I cry singing songs from my playlist.
I cry at church.
I cry watching movies.
I cry watching my children and knowing someday they will be grown.
I laugh too loud sometimes.
I love to laugh.
I love the thunder part of thunderstorms.
I like to eat.
I love the color purple and The Color Purple.
I like to feel needed.
I like to be hugged.
I like to be told I've done a good job, but then I get embarrassed.
I am insecure...sometimes.
I am a homebody.
I like to drink coffee (even at 9pm).
I like my comfy clothes, but I like to dress up too.
I like to have my toenails painted.
I like baseball and soccer.
I am competitive.
I am proud that my husband is in the Army.
I am proud of my children and the compliments they get for being well behaved.
I am proud to be a member of Calvary Baptist Church.
I am a child of God.
Psalm 139:14 says, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth well."
I can be jealous of the way Leslie can sing, but that would be ridiculous. God didn't make me a singer.
I can be jealous of Hilarie's creativity when it comes to drama, but that would be goofy. God didn't give me that talent.
I could gripe and complain about my limp, brown hair that won't hold curl for anything, but I won't. This is the head of hair God gave me and He even knows how many hairs I have (gray ones too).
I could pity myself for the things that I'm not, but I won't. God made me the way He wanted me to be. I was created in HIS image. What could be greater than that?
I had a kid tell me once at school that he was an accident. He totally caught me off guard. I asked him what he meant (duh), and he said that his parents told him he was an accident. What horrible thing to say to a child! I assured him he wasn't. I told him that even though they may not have planned for him that God did and made him a nice surprise (probably shouldn't have said that in a public school, but I didn't really care). We are not accidents. God has planned for each of us. We may not know His plan, but we are to seek it.
Today, I ask you to focus on and praise God for who you are, not be resentful for who you are not. We were created by our Father who loves us and wants us to be a part of His family.

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