Here are some pictures from Colin's party.
Colin and Jacob are still going strong. They've played outside, in the bedroom, XBox, DSi, Wii, and now they are playing cars/army or something like that in the den. Colin wanted to stay up late, so we will see when they are ready to crash! Carson and Carter went to sleep a while ago.
We've had a busy couple of days. I spent three days in my classroom. I worked hard to get it ready for my new group of kiddos I'll meet in two weeks. This afternoon I had to ship my dress back to the company because it was too small **sniff** and then pick up Colin's birthday cookie. We came back home and I quickly finished cleaning the house. I'm tired! But I'm enjoying listening to the boys playing James Bond now!
Gene and Loretta came by this afternoon to drop off some pictures from the Baby Dedication and treats for the boys. I had let Big Dog in the house because it was SO HOT outside. Well, when I opened the door for Gene and Loretta to come in, I didn't think to look for Big Dog. The door opened.....the dog ran like the wind blows! I was not too excited to have to go after him. Luckily, he didn't go far, just next door to Ms. Crafton's. I got Big Dog to come to me and grabbed ahold of his collar. He tried so hard to wiggle out of it and I had to hold the collar on both sides of his neck. We got to the bush in Ms. Crafton's backyard and Big Dog decided to lay down on his back. I couldn't get him up (his name is Big Dog for a reason), so I had to wait patiently (HA),still holding on, for him to get up on his own. What a sight we were!!!! Needless to say after I got him home, Big Dog stayed outside.

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