This week, Women of Faith asks:
The Revolve Tour is back in 2011! Have you ever been to a Revolve event, or is there a teenage girl in your life who you’d like to take?
I have never attended a Revolve event. After checking out the web page, it looks pretty amazing and I can definitely see how important it would be for teen girls to attend. As a mom of 3 boys, it is probably unlikely that I could ever attend such an event.
I remember being a teenage girl, the awkwardness and unsureness of going from a girl to a woman, the struggles with friendships, relationships, and self image. Not an easy thing to go through.
There are several teen girls I know that I would love to go to one of these events with. I can picture some of us "older girls" (me, Brandy, Hilarie, Leslie, Edie, and Ginger), getting together with some of our youth (Lauren, Morgan, Jacqueline, and Megan) and their girlfriends. These girls and women are special and could certainly appreciate a night of learning more about God's love for them.

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