Just a quick post to let you know what has NOT been happening lately. To read more, head on over to MckMama's.
While heading down to South Carolina, I did NOT get stressed out about the traffic backed up on the opposite side of the road. It didn't even affect my trip other than knowing it would be like that on the way home. I, therefore, did NOT insist that Jeffrey find me an alternate route home.
During our last full day in Columbia, I did NOT walk into a wall at the EdVenture Children's Museum. Later that night, I did NOT proceed to hit my arm on a chair and my knee on a table. I am NOT clumsy and am NOT covered in bruises.
Upon returning from our fabulous trip, our power in the front part of our house did NOT go out. After 2 hours of being home, I did NOT have to pack up my 3 kids again to spend the night at Sue and Birbie's.
On Friday, I did NOT spend the enitre afternoon and evening at the hospital with my mom and dad. Mom did NOT get too close to my dad and uncle while they were moving a couch and did NOT almost have her toe cut off. I did NOT watch several hours of Say Yes to the Dress with my dad, aunt, and cousin while waiting for mom to have surgery and during her recovery, and I most certainly did NOT drink 5 cups of hospital coffee. I did NOT finally arrive home at 1 am.
Since finding out that I will have the opportunity to attend the CHBOLC Graduation Banquet in September, I have NOT become obsessed with finding a dress. I am an adult and would NEVER get that excited about the chance to wear a fancy dress.
I was NOT excited about having 2 days of childcare so I could work in my classroom. Colin is at Camp Creative at church and Sue offered to watch the little boys. When I arrived at school, it was NOT locked up due to freshly waxed floors.
On my way to Wal-Mart this morning, I did NOT lay on the horn and slam on the breaks because some guy ran a red light and almost hit me. He did NOT proceed to display his middle finger at me. Folks in my hometown are much nicer than that.

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