Back in November when he took his oath of office, it became all the more real. We waited and waited and are still waiting for him to be placed with a local unit to serve with. From my understanding, this is quite unusual. Another Army wife I've met said her husband was placed very quickly and she was shocked that Jeffrey had not. So, we still wait for that.
In the mean time, Jeffrey has been working toward his Master's through Liberty University (his seminary work). He has worked very hard for the last couple of years on this and is close to being done. If he had chosen a different major, he would have already graduated, but he chose one that was a bit more in depth, one that he could use in more areas.
In April, Jeffrey went for his first annual training in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. He is currently there finishing up the first part of his chaplain training as part of CH-BOLC 10-002. Tomorrow will be the beret ceremony (did you know they had to be shaved and inspected beforehand?)
We were expecting Jeffrey to be home after his last day on July 16.
God had a plan we didn't know about.
It seems instead of finishing phase one and coming home this month, Jeffrey will be staying the course.....literally. He will stay and finish his training and graduate in September.
It was a shock to say the least, we decided to pray about the decision, to stay or not, and look for God for the answer. Needless to say, the decision was sort of made for us. It was highly requested that Jeffrey stay and finish up due to his status with other requirements. Guess that is what you get for being on top of things!
Although it is not the decision we would have made on our own, I feel like we gave up our right to do what we want a long time ago.
You see, we live for something bigger than ourselves. We live for our God. When He tells you to do something, you don't gripe and complain and try to find a way out. You do it. He would not have put us in this situation if it wasn't right.
Yes, it will be hard. Colin's birthday is at the end of the month. Soccer begins soon for both the big boys. School starts in August. I'll have to get my 3 boys to 3 different places each morning: Nanny Carol's, Happyland, and SES. We will have to get in a routine (which we are so not good at) and make it work.
I am an optismistic person. Yes, I know we will miss Jeffrey and he will miss us, especially his growing baby. However, we both have to depend on our support systems and each other. I have our family and our church family. He has his Army friends who are in the same situation. We have each other. We have God.
God got us through these first 3 weeks. He got me through the week my grandmother passed away. He will get us through the next 9 weeks as well.
So in the meantime, I will continue to pray for me and the boys, for my soldier, and what God has in store for us.
In the meantime, I will get our bags packed and van loaded up so we can spend a wonderful LONG weekend in South Carolina with our soldier, celebrating Independence Day.
In the meantime, I will lean on My Father in Heaven for the strength needed to get through these next 9 weeks.
In the meantime, I support my soldier and welcome him home with open arms very soon.

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