Yes, it is Monday. Has been all day and will be for a few more hours. Instead of filling you in on my recent mishaps, I'll fill you in on what my little darlings did NOT do. Remember, just take out all the NOTs to find out the truth. If you would like to read more Not Me, Monday posts, head over to MckMama's and check them out.
During the Baby Dedication on Father's Day, Carson did NOT turn around in front of the entire congregation and punch his big brother in the stomach. My children are much better behaved than that, especially in church.
My boys have NOT been hanging out in their tightie whities most days of the week. Carson, well, he most certainly did NOT wear only his underwear outside Saturday as we had customers at our yard sale. My children only go outside fully dressed and would never be half naked in front of complete strangers.
Colin did NOT talk about planning our funerals today. He is NOT that deep for a 7 year old. He did NOT request that "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" by The Temptations be played at his daddy's funeral. I had to convince him that although I didn't know what a rolling stone was exactly, it probably wasn't appropriate to play at his daddy's funeral. Whew!
Carson did NOT argue with me at Chick Fil-A about the fact that his chicken nuggets were not nuggets, but just chicken.
He finally ate them and decided that they were NOT better than McDonald's.

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