If ever I saw God care for me, it was today.
This morning, I got a call from my dad that my grandmother had passed away. In that moment, God took care of me. Yes, I hurt, but He let me know it was ok. He assured me she is now where she needs to be, with Him, no longer in pain, never to be sick again. What a blessing and how comforting to know that my grandmother is with Jesus (and back with my Pa)!
I had to make it through VBS this morning before being able to tell Colin about his great-grandmother. I knew he would be hurt. God helped me use the right words to tell him and to comfort him.
This evening, while the big boys were with their Nanny, I decided to head to Target to find something to wear to the funeral home. Upon leaving the store and getting the baby in the car, I hear a man yell, "Ma'am! Ma'am!" Looking around, I saw a man approaching me. He broke the news to me...I had a flat tire. Can you say, "On the brink of total meltdown?" Fighting back tears and between phone calls to Sue and Birbie at home and Jeffrey in South Carolina, I watched as these 3 good Samaritans replaced my flat tire with my cute (NOT) little, lifeless spare tire. They gave me strict instructions on what to do next, and I thanked them over and over again. I couldn't offer them anything other than a thank you.
I very carefully drove next door to Wal-Mart in hopes of getting my flat repaired and returned to its proper spot on my car. I pulled up to the tire center...They had been closed for 50 minutes. I teared up, but was determined not to let this get me.
So I very carefully drove to Speedway to get air in my tire. I pulled up and to my dismay, it cost 75 cents. Remember how I couldn't offer those gentlemen anything? I didn't even have money to buy air. Come on! It is just air? How can you charge for air? So, I grabbed my wallet and my babe in his car seat and managed to get inside. The clerk (probably 17 or 18 years old) asked if I needed help. Boy did I! I asked him if I bought something with my debit card if I could get cash back. He informed me that their debit machines don't allow cash back as an option. You've got to be kidding me. I teared up and said, "I only need 75 cents to put air in my spare tire because my other tire is flat." This kid pulls out his wallet and opens the register. He changes out the dollar and hands it to me. I thanked him over and over again and cried on the way to my car.
I aired up my tire and drove very carefully and slowly back home with my cute (NOT) little tire.
I am moved at how these complete strangers took care of me. They could have went on about their business and denied me 75 cents and sent me to fend for myself. They helped me out and I know God placed them there for me. I am very grateful for these people that I'll never see again.
In the coming days, I will have to cast my cares upon Him still. I will be attending my grandmother's funeral without my husband by my side. I'll be ok though. God will give me strength. Jeffrey will be praying for me. That is all I need.
There are so many other times in my life when God has taken care of me.
I'll never forget when our heat went out the December Jeffrey was in Japan. I cried out to God. I told Him I couldn't take my Colin out in the middle of the night to find a place to stay. He took care of me. Minutes later, the heat was back on and worked long enough to get someone to come look at it the next day.
Last year when I was worried about some tenderness I shouldn't have been having under my arms and around my breasts, I was too scared to see about it. Finally, after praying and handing it over to God, I had a mammogram and ultrasound done. Nothing was found and I haven't had the tenderness since then. It seemed as if all God wanted was for me to trust Him. When I did, He took care of me.
I told my kids at VBS today that no matter what is bothering us, we can tell God about it and trust Him to take care of it. I pray that if you are struggling with something today, whether it is as small as a flat tire or as big as the loss of a loved one, financial issues or marital problems, family concerns or job worries, I pray that you will cast your cares upon Him. He promises He will take care of you.

What a wonderful thing to always remember. Sometimes it almost seems easier to try and deal with things ourselves instead of handing them over to God. Which in reality is really the easiest and most productive thing you can do!! Praying for you during this sad time.
ReplyDeleteThis entry is so "real" and incredibly moving. It should be published as a testimony to God's hand in your life on what would have been an ordinary (NOT) day, making it extraordinary! Good for you to give Him the glory and see him in the small places He reveals himself. So many people overlook that and keep looking for Him in grand clouds - they often miss the blesssings. Prayers with you this week..... Love, Angie