Monday, June 18, 2012

I have a question for you

What kind of Christian are you?

Would you welcome a lost soul covered in piercings and tattoos into your church?

Would you hug and shake that person's hand during meet and greet?

In your "all white" church, would you welcome the guests whose skin is a different color?

Would you stare a lost soul down because she didn't dress the way you thought she should on Sunday morning? Instead of a dress and heels, she wears all she has, flip flops, capris, and a plain shirt.

Would you stand in the parking lot and hug her and love her and pray over her and listen to her cry for help, for hope, for change for an hour after church while everyone else has run off for Sunday lunch?

Would you love her children even though they are sometimes dirty and hungry, and they are different than your own?

Would you welcome them in and honestly pray for them even when you told them you would?

Would you be glad that your church is next to a trailer park with families who don't know any other way but the way of "the streets?"

What kind of Christian are you?

Do you warm the pew each Sunday?

Do you go to church only on holidays?

Do you attend a Sunday School class?

Do you fellowship with your church family after church?

Do you act one way on Sunday and a different way the rest of the week?

Do you do God's work or do you let someone else?

Do you think Sunday and Wednesday night church service is just for the old people and kids?

Do you spread the Good News or keep it to yourself?

Do you read your Bible?

Do you pray without ceasing and with thanksgiving?

What kind of Christian are you?

Are you a cheerful giver?

Are you an excuse maker?

Are you honest with God?

Are you holding back?

Are you a lover of all people?

Are you a fisher of men?

What kind of Christian are you?

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