Please pray for Robert. He is a youth at our church and has been my student worker for two years. Robert has a tumor on his face (the jaw area) and will be going to have tests run soon. This isn't the first time. He had surgery for this several years ago. Robert is a good kid and we think a lot of him. Please pray for his healing.
In sports.....It is here....
Please pray for Robert. He is a youth at our church and has been my student worker for two years. Robert has a tumor on his face (the jaw area) and will be going to have tests run soon. This isn't the first time. He had surgery for this several years ago. Robert is a good kid and we think a lot of him. Please pray for his healing.
In sports.....It is here....
Baseball season.
Colin had his first game last night. Whew! Things were SO TENSE! The score was Cardinals 12, Cubs 13! CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! (any Harry Caray fans out there?) It was a real nail biter! Colin started out playing on first base and ended playing second. We had a new player (one team got split up due to so many quitting). Coach Jeff tried him on first and he did a good job (evidently that is his usual spot). The Cubs hit the ball well. We've got two girls on the team and they did an awesome job. They've improved so much since last year. Colin had some good hits as well. Coach Jeff and I were really proud of him.
I am not in the dugout this year. We have a great team of parents and almost all the dads are in the dugout or hanging around there. The moms are in the crowd cheering on the team.
Carson's team is was is was (not sure yet) the Marlins. I think he quit last night. My dad and I took him to practice, but he wouldn't even get out on the field. His first game is supposed to be tomorrow, but it looks like he won't be on the roster. Carson is just totally not into playing. He is not as mature as Colin. Yeah, I know he is only four, but Colin knew he wanted to play and he wanted to get out on the field and do what he was supposed to when he played t-ball. Carson on the other hand has no interest. He has crazy energy, but right now, sports don't interest him. He wasn't too into soccer last year, so I kind of expected this. Basically, we just overpaid for a Marlin's shirt and cap, but I can handle that.
In other news.........
It looks like Jeffrey will be going to AT in a couple of weeks. He is waiting for his orders and travel arrangements. We are pretty clueless about all this. He can't seem to get a straight answer about anything. You'd think it would all be pretty clear, but it isn't. Kind of frustrating sometimes. I'm glad he will have the chance to be in Ft. Jackson before his training this summer. He will have a heads up on things (hopefully). The initial cost of all this blows my mind. The list of stuff he must purchase out of pocket (uniforms included) is crazy. We are afraid he will get all of this and then they will change over to the new uniform design shortly.
In education....
Colin is on a field trip with his class today. They are headed to the National Corvette Museum. He was pretty excited about it this morning when he left for school. I'm sure they will have great time.
We have NO PLANS for tonight! WUHU! No baseball, no parties, no nothing. We are hoping to get to Chaney's Dairy Barn and the park before the rain comes.

In other news.........
It looks like Jeffrey will be going to AT in a couple of weeks. He is waiting for his orders and travel arrangements. We are pretty clueless about all this. He can't seem to get a straight answer about anything. You'd think it would all be pretty clear, but it isn't. Kind of frustrating sometimes. I'm glad he will have the chance to be in Ft. Jackson before his training this summer. He will have a heads up on things (hopefully). The initial cost of all this blows my mind. The list of stuff he must purchase out of pocket (uniforms included) is crazy. We are afraid he will get all of this and then they will change over to the new uniform design shortly.
In education....
Colin is on a field trip with his class today. They are headed to the National Corvette Museum. He was pretty excited about it this morning when he left for school. I'm sure they will have great time.
We have NO PLANS for tonight! WUHU! No baseball, no parties, no nothing. We are hoping to get to Chaney's Dairy Barn and the park before the rain comes.

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