“Not Me! Monday” is the brainchild of MckMama where we can pretend that some crazy things did not happen the past week. I always enjoy reading what did not happen to others, so I hope you enjoy reading what did not happen to me in my first “Not Me! Monday” post.
I was not excited that this past week was Spring Break and that my kids were able to stay home with me. As a teacher, I know how important going to school is both academically and socially, so I would never be excited about the fact that my kids didn’t have to go.
I was not told my four year old that I was too old to play on his new airplane. My children are polite and would always find the proper way of telling me I should do (or not do) something.
As my husband preached on Wednesday night, I was not distracted by screaming coming from the church nursery. I didn’t stretch my ears to find out which four year old was yelling. I did not recognize the scream of my own child and have to leave church with infant in arms to shut the door behind me to find my screaming child. My child was not in the arms of my best friend screaming, “I WANT MY MAMA!” I did not take the crying child back to church with me and he did not fall asleep and start snoring while his daddy preached. My children always sit up and act right in church. I did not make my four year old call my best friend the next day to apologize, because my kids would never act out when they didn’t get their way.
My seven year old did not wake up the other morning with white “gook” in his hair.
As for me, I most certainly did not slack on getting the laundry done this week. I always get it finished in record time and never leave it on the couch. I would never get distracted by my children and leave the clean laundry piled up. If you came to my house today, you would not see laundry, clean or dirty, anywhere.
Last night, my children and I most certainly did not giggle like crazy at the sound of our 1 month old passing gas. My seven year old did not post about Mr. Tootalot on his blog.
I most certainly am not looking forward to another crazy week that could turn in to another Not Me! Post.

Great post! I have never let me laundry pile up either. It is never on the kitchen table waiting to be folded, and we have never been forced to eat at the kitchen counter because no one volunteered to fold it and put it away. Not me!