Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday, Carson!

Oh, My! I can't believe you are 4 YEARS OLD today!!!! Where has the time gone????

I am so proud to say that you are my blessing. I can't believe how different you are from your brothers. I hope you have a wonderful birthday (even though you aren't feeling well).

Happy Birthday, Iley Carson!!!! We love you.

Mama, Daddy, Colin, and Carter

We celebrated Carson's birthday Saturday evening with family. He had a big day! Earlier in the day, Carson went to Kylie's party and she got to come to his.

Carson's Mario cake.

Carson and Kylie playing on his new airplane.

As you can see, parties at our house get a little wild!
Fortunately, most of the stamper ink came off in the bath before church the next morning.

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