We've had some visitors the past couple of days. Angie and Autumn came by Sunday to see the boys (when you are mom, you don't get visitors), but Carter slept the whole time. It was Autumn's first time to see Carter. Today we had a full house. Sue stopped by for fresh coffee after work (what is a daughter in law for?) and Edie and Lauren came by. The boys were hog wild. Oh, my gosh!!!!! Lately, Colin has been showing off when people come over. It is not like him. When I talked to him about how it gets annoying and grown ups are not impressed by it, he said, "Haven't we had this conversation before?" After they all left, Jeffrey's friend Dwight called and the boys got wilder. Instead of eating their supper, they were chasing each other: over the treadmill and exercise bench, across the couch, and around the train table. At one point of the night Colin and Carson were tugging on each other and Carson fell into the cabinet. Whew!
Dan and Gennie got Carson a bouncy ball for his birthday. Birbie put air in it this evening and Colin and Carson think it is a weapon. I've already threatened to pop it. Colin told me I would get in trouble. I highly doubt that. He's going to break his tailbone if he isn't careful. Carson isn't quite big enough for it. He has to have me bounce him on it. My arms are worn out.
Last night, we got a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Unfortunately, we still have the Nanny McPhee tooth. Maybe the $20 my mom gave Colin will encourage him to work on it.
OK, the bouncy ball is in time out. It just flew across the room and hit Colin in the head. Thanks Dan and Gennie!!!!

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