BTW - Colin has decided to be a Zamboni driver now.
BTW - Colin has decided to be a Zamboni driver now.
You can donate to Relay for Life/American Cancer Society at anytime. My Relay page is linked to the right. Go there to find out how.
In other news....
The Esthers met last night. I hope all of the ladies are enjoying themselves. My friend/coworker Sheteka joined us. I've worked with her for 3 years and we had classes together at WKU. She is a hoot!! We may have another couple girls join us. COME ON, KERRY & KELLY!
Well, in the movies you always here about food cooked by Christian women. Well, they can cook. Here is the spread we had yesterday. The girls didn't believe I would do this. HA!
Speaking of food, Colin said the cutest thing the other day. Well, me and my boys are bread eaters. Toast, biscuits, breadsticks.....YUM! The other day, Colin and Carson both wanted just a plain piece of bread. As he waited patiently for me to get Carson's piece, Colin said, "Mama, I think I'll have the ankle." I got so tickled at him. Then this morning, we had the following conversation:
Me: "Colin, what would you like for breakfast: toast or cereal?"
Colin with a confused looked: "What's toaster cereal?"
Me, tickled yet again: "No, honey. Toast OR cereal."
Colin with the light bulb over his head: "Oh, ok. I'll have cereal."
Have I ever told you I LOVE BEING A MOM!
Jeffrey has received his approval from the North American Missions Board. What does this mean? It means that they approve him to be a candidate for the Chaplain program through the military. Although he has their seal of approval, he will still need to "apply" to the military and the chaplain program. He has completed half of his seminary work through Liberty University.
I am SO VERY proud of him. He has been led to do this for some time. I know that God will use him to do great things. This is all so exciting.
Below is a video that Jeffrey found and I wanted to share it with you. I watch it and think, "WOW! This could be my husband." You'll also notice that I'm going to be adding some blogs to my page of women whose husbands are serving as chaplains for the military. I'm hoping to learn from them.
Please pray for God's guidance in this journey. This is a major step in our lives.
You'll need to pause the music at the bottom of the page before watching the video.
Jeffrey is an amazing man. Each day he shows me and the boys how much he loves and cares for us. God has blessed us with him. I am proud to call him my husband. I love you, Jeffrey!
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. Psalm 127:4
I have to say that I had a great time with this fine group of ladies. Thank you for adding to discussion and sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed your company. For those of you following along at home, please feel free to comment about your journey through Esther. Next week, we will take a look at Esther herself.
One thing was mentioned during our discussion about how Satan works to keep you a way from God. I commented that Colin got a bit upset that we went to church Sunday night. We were invited to a Super Bowl gathering too. We attended both, but he wanted to go play at the gathering. I explained to him how God is more important than a silly ball game. We had a great discussion on how Satan makes it easy for us to push God to the side: we are busy at work, we have all these other activities, we are tired. There are endless excuses. Well, one of my devotions this morning dealt with the same thing. In Luke, Jesus withdrew to the wilderness and prayed. Why? Its hard to listen to God when we are busy or in crowds. We have to take time to stop, depart from others, and listen. Satan likes to keep us busy and away from God. I pray that each of us can have the same control that Jesus had to stop and enjoy communion with God regardless of the criticism we may receive.