Those aren't very good words, are they? Unfortunately, they are words that can describe me.
When aggravated, I can become very harsh. I don't like it. I don't like myself when I am like that. It is something I have been working on, but recently, I found out I was working on it incorrectly.
I had always thought that lack of patience was my problem. I prayed about my patience and everything. Nothing.
But then......
During a Sunday School lesson, we were in the middle of discussion when I discovered that my problem was my lack of gentleness.
BAM! That's it! I lacked gentleness.
That explained the harsh reactions. I realized after confessing this to my sisters in Christ that I needed to learn to respond instead of react. When I reacted, I was harsh. When I responded, I took time to reflect, consider, and then act.
As 2014 began to come to a close and 2015 was knocking at the door, I began thinking about my One Word....I have worked at being a light to SHINE the love of Jesus to others. I have worked at being INTENTIONAL in my time and talents. I have learned to better LIVE a life that brings honor and glory to God. With each of these chosen words, I have worked at meeting those expectations, I still do. I am not perfect, but I am trying to be the woman God created me to be. I don't believe that God created me to be harsh and ill tempered. That's not love. But love is gentle. And that is what I am going to work on this year. My One Word for 2015.......
One Word: Gentle.
What about you, Friend, what is your One Word for 2015?

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