Friday, January 23, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Share

Today is Friday!  It's been a pretty good short week.  I'm excited to have ended the work week with a high school basketball game, my oldest son's performance in the winter drum line at halftime, and a little bit of falling snow.  Now, to top it off with a little Five Minute Friday.  Are you ready?

Here we go.....

When I think about sharing, my mind usually pictures children fighting over toys because one of them refuses to share.  But just now, I think of words and attitudes.

I love words.  Used correctly, they can entertain, build up, bring so much good.  But used incorrectly...oh, my. They can tear down and destroy. You know, Mama always said, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all."  Words are like that sometimes.

The greatest word we've ever been given is the Word of God.  Those Holy Words are not meant to be kept tucked away and hidden.  They are meant to be shared.  I am so thankful for those that shared them with me.  God's Word is life changing, and because someone chose to obey God and shared His Word with me, I am a new creature.

When I fix my thoughts on His Word, my whole attitude changes.  I find myself able to be kinder and and more gentle.  I find myself to be more loving and compassionate.  I find myself to be more like Him.  I hope that when I do that, others will want to share God's love with those they meet.


Thank you for allowing me to share with you tonight.  If you are looking for more Five Minute Friday posts, visit  Don't forget to share the love while you're there!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder to share words that build others up and bring comfort. Oh, that tongue is hard to control sometimes. Enjoy your weekend!

    Blessings, Carrie

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visiting from FMF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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