Saturday, March 07, 2009

Just Some Things to Consider

Have you ever done something you regretted? We all have. No matter how goofy I've been, I can always look back on one particular thing without regret. What's that? The day I became a Christian.

In my Hope for Each Day devotional, Billy Graham asked the question, "Does anything happen when a person repents of sin and receives Christ by faith? " He then stated that he can only tell you it worked in his life. At fifteen, Billy Graham was a rebel. Sound like anyone you know? One night, he committed his life to Jesus. His life took a whole new direction. His attitude changed and he began to seek God's will instead of his own. Billy Graham wasn't made perfect, but his life was changed. Now, does that sound like anyone you know?

It sounds like me.

Back in the day, I was somewhat rebellious so to speak. My attitude about some things and some people was pretty terrible. I was bitter and unforgiving about certain aspects of my life. Up until June 18, 2004, I was on the path to Hell. That day, I was saved by the grace of God and nothing else. I remember sitting in my preacher's office praying the sinner's prayer, tears streaming down my face, feeling the burden of my sin lifted off of me. I remember floating out of his office. My life was forever changed. Like Billy Graham, my attitude changed. I found forgiveness and handed over my bitterness. I had a whole new outlook on life. I wasn't living for myself. I was living for God. Billy Graham said he has never met anyone who regretted giving his or her life to to Christ. You know what? Neither have I.

As I prepared for our Sunday School lesson for tomorrow, I discovered the topic was PREPARE. One thing I hate is to be unprepared. You and I both know that being unprepared can be embarrassing. We prepare for vacations, weddings, births, parties, ballgames, and all sorts of things. Sometimes we overlook the most important things, preparing to do God's will. Our lesson is about Nehemiah and how he prepared to go to Jerusalem to rebuild. He prepared first off by praying. This allowed him to set clear goals for getting the job done. He also enlisted people to help him. Throughout all of this, he remembered and told how God saw him through this journey.

God wants us to be a witness, to bring others to Him, to feed His sheep. We have to prepare to do that. Before I became a Christian, I could not have talked to others about God. I wasn't prepared because I hadn't studied His Word and I didn't have a relationship with Him. Now though, I am feeling more confident. Each day, I prepare more for what He may have in store for me. I do this through prayer, my daily devotions, and studying His Word. I spend time with God to find out what He wants me to do. I want to be prepared for whatever lies ahead. I know I can't make it on my own.

As I thought about all I had to do today, read my devotionals, work on my Sunday School lesson, and work on my Esther study, I felt totally overwhelmed. I thought, "I'm reading too many devotionals each day. I've got to pick a couple to give up." With that thought, I admit that I suddenly felt guilty. I opened one of my devotionals and read Psalm 119:40 (I love Psalm 119),

Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness.

I remembered what it felt like when I read the book of Romans, how God spoke to me. I remembered how He spoke to me when I read all of Psalm 119 last summer. I remembered how He speaks to me in each of my devotionals and studies. I still long after His precepts. I still hunger for His Word. At this point, I can't choose which devotional to put on the shelf. God speaks to me each day through them. Satan wants me to choose; after all, it would make things easier for him. I just have to be sure that I am allowing God the time He needs to speak to me through these devotions and studies, to PREPARE ME.

I am loving this Esther study. I am making so many connections. As I read Nehemiah, I could see Esther, both prayerful, both planning ahead, both enlisting others. Should we be any different? No. I could have easily "done" the Esther study by myself. I know me. I would not have been fully committed. So, I enlisted others. I have Edie, Hilarie, Sara, Ginger, Jan, Sheteka, and Kerry to keep me in check. We all need that. We need to understand that we can't do it alone and that's ok. Know your weaknesses. God knows mine. That's why He put these amazing women in my life. He had a purpose for bringing us together.

I guess what all this is about is to live for God. He's the ONE and ONLY. Prepare yourself to be used by Him and then allow Him to use you. Allow Him to bring others in your life to strengthen and encourage you. If you do these things, you won't regret it.

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