Wednesday, July 22, 2009

His Word Wednesday

The words of the Lord are pure words,
like silver refined in an earthen furnace.
Psalm 12:6

Today, I'd like to share a recent devotion that touched my heart. It came from my The Word for You Today devotional.

Parents are the pride of their children.
Proverbs 17:6

The famous biographer Boswell tells of a day when his busy father took him fishing. Later when he read what his dad wrote in his journal, he was devastated: "Went fishing with my son; a day wasted!"If you want your children to be proud of you:

1. Protect them. Guard them physically when they are young and emotionally as they mature. Teach your son to respect girls, and interview the guys who date your daughter. Be sure to check out what they (and you) watch on TV, especially the increasingly dangerous influences of the Internet.

2. Listen to them. Don't be like the kid who told his mom, "I'm gonna be just like dad when I grow up. My eyebrows are already growing together, and when people talk to me, I don't listen." Listening builds a lifetime bridge to your child's heart.

3. Be affectionate with the them. Nothing builds security and self-worth in your kids like holding them. If you grew up without expressions of affection, make sure the don't.

4. Discipline them. But go one step further, model self-discipline in your own life. don't just preach, live it!

5. Be fun to be around. Show your children your lighter side. Don't be so preoccupied with work or church that you're a bore. "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance" (Proverbs 15:13).

6. Walk the walk. Former atheist Lee Strobel says, "When I became a Christian, my five year old daughter said, 'Mommy, I want God to do for me what He's done for daddy,'" and she gave her life to Jesus. Make Christ attractive to your children, and they will be drawn to Him.

Here is what I would like for you to day. Please share a recent devotional or scripture that has touched your heart. You can leave a comment or create a post on your blog and then add your site to the MckLinky so other visitors can read it. Thanks for sharing His Word on this Wednesday.

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