Wednesday, July 01, 2009

In the beginning....

“Then God saw everything He had made, and indeed it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

One time in Sunday School, we were asked to tell when we can feel God’s presence the most. Everyone’s answer had something to do with nature.

For the last month, the children at church have been studying Creation on Wednesday nights. Today, we were blessed to go to the Nashville Zoo for a church outing. Although I’ve been there several times on school field trips, this day was a bit more special for the simple fact that while teaching the kids about God’s Creation, I have also been touched by it.

I’ve always loved the outdoors. I’m happy sitting in the yard with a nice breeze watching the birds, squirrels, and rabbits romp around the yard. I enjoy zoos and aquariums. I love the beach and mountains. The sound of thunder and rain is like music to my ears. Sunsets and rainbows are so beautiful to look at. And still, as an adult, I look at the shapes of the clouds to figure out what they resemble.

I do feel God’s presence while enjoying His creation.

I thank God for His Creation, for giving us a beautiful world to live in with so many awesome wonders.

I thank God for being able to instill an appreciation of His Creation in my children and the children I work with at school and church.

I thank God for allowing me to live in a country where we have so many opportunities to enjoy the gifts He has given us.

The next time you watch a sunset, see a rainbow, hear the thunder, smell the rain, touch the snow, or taste a juicy watermelon, be sure to give thanks to God for those gifts.

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