Monday, July 20, 2009


I sought the LORD, and He heard me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4

Many of our children are afraid of the dark. So, what do we do? We put a nightlight in the bedroom to calm their fears. This small dim light doesn't brighten the whole room, but it puts off just enough light for our children to see. We even go so far as to show them the inside of the closet and peek under the bed, you know, just to make sure.

I've always told Colin, "You know what is in the dark? The same things that are there when the lights are on."

Eventually, our children grow out of this fear because they do realize its the same in the dark as in the light. That nightlight helps give them that assurance.

The older we get, we have our own fears: health, finances, future, death. But God gives us a nightlight to help calm our fears: His Word, The Holy Bible. It is filled with God's promises to us, promises to calm our fears and take away our worries. If we didn't didn't seek God to calm our fears, we would be scared children hiding under our blankets. Night after night, we would fall asleep, exhausted from our fear. Life doesn't have to be that way, and God is the answer.

If we seek Him through His Word and prayer, He will be faithful and meet with us. He will shine His light upon us, alleviating our fears. Those same things will be there, but God will make them less scary.

For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand,
Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’
Isaiah 41:13

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