Thursday, October 27, 2011

This Week at School

I usually don't post a lot about work related stuff, but I had a couple of pics to share. 

This week is Red Ribbon Week and the kids have really gotten into.  A while back ago, we did a lesson over refusual skills and the kids would giggle when I said crack, meth, or beer.  I let them know quickly that drugs are NO laughing matter.  Several came to me later with stories from their families.  Any way, I digress.  Back to Red Ribbon Week.  We are having a door decorating contest. It is supposed to be student developed/made.  I had my kids put their ideas in a basket and then chose the one I thought was best.  Here is our final product:

Colin told me it wasn't fair that I helped by taping up some stuff because the kids were supposed to do it all.  I informed him that I don't let my kids stand in chairs so I HAD to do some. 

Tonight was also Literacy Night. We had storytelling and trick or treating.  Here is a picture of me and a very scary friend:

Colin had a great time. He got to hang out with his friend Christian.  I felt the love of my students who had already heard the book Holler Loudly in class, but came to hear it again. Carson went to his own fall festival with his daddy. I hear we may be the winners of a $15 Sponge Bob pumpkin. We will find out tomorrow.

Off to watch The Rangers. Hamilton is on deck!  Go Texas!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny about them laughing at certain words. I had kids wanting me to sign a sheet of paper committing to helping them stay off drugs. I asked some of them why I was signing and most of them said so that they could get the most signatures and win a prize. Then I made them tell me why drugs are so bad. :)

    Mr. H.


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