Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Where I Come From

I'm from a dead-end street where we played hide and seek until the street light came on.

I'm from grandparents who called me "Sista Nose" and "Field Mouse."

I'm from summers of banana Popsicles, watermelon, and snow in gallon size Ziploc bags.

I'm from a big brother whom I hit in the face with an Easter basket. I may or may not have affected any of his teeth.

I'm from skinned knees and mud pies.

I'm from country music and Bon Jovi.

Those are a few of my childhood memories, my background, my history.

Later, I would be from

FSMS yearbook staff and Harlequin romance novels

4 proms with my high school sweet heart

Chocolate chip cookies in the hall during Spanish III.

Class of '96

Quick meals at Arby's before nursery duty.

Tireless days of student teaching.

WKU Class of '99

As I've gotten older, my responsibilities have changed.  Who I was and who I hoped to be would change.

I'm not who I was 20 years ago when I graduated high school.

I'm not who I was 17 years ago when I said, "I do."

I'm not who I was 6 months ago.

Although my experiences are a part of me....they've helped mold me.....they've helped me determine my next steps, the next path, the next journey.....

My experiences ultimately do not define me.

When I look in the mirror, I'm not defined by the gray hair and crows feet.

I'm not defined by my clumsiness or my social awkwardness.

I am defined by one thing and one thing only, my relationship with Christ.

He is where I come from.

Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them."

When I look in the mirror, I see the image of God. I see someone created by the hands of God.

Many times, I've not felt myself worthy or good for whatever reason. I would get down on my self for making mistakes.  There were times I felt I didn't matter.  But the more I studied God's word and grew closer to Him, the more I felt my confidence grow, the more I saw my importance.

David Crowder sings a song called "Everything Glorious," and in this song, he sings of the glorious things God has done and created.  The line I love the most is this....

You make everything glorious
And I am Yours
What does that make me?

And those words remind me of where I come from.

I come from God who has made everything glorious.  And because He makes everything glorious and I am His.....well, that makes me pretty special.

Today, I encourage you to take a look at yourself.  See yourself the way God see you.....Glorious.

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