Saturday, May 25, 2013


Friday, November 30, 2012

Today was really special.  Jeff and I got to talk on the phone.   We were able to text and email each other. AND WE GOT TO SKYPE!  What a great end to my week. 

I was so excited to hear his voice on the other end of the phone.  We almost missed out because I didn't recognize his number from the calling card.  Good thing he is persistent!

I got really emotional on the phone with him. I held back though. I couldn't let myself cry at that point. It was so good just to hear him, to have that connection.

Later in the day, he emailed me some pictures. These were my two favorite ones.

I got them during my Friday meeting and fought back tears.  I was excited to "see" him.  I had to share with everyone in the room.

Before bedtime, we were able to SKYPE. Could the day "spent with Jeff" have been any better?  The boys were so excited to see their daddy, although Jeff got exhausted watching me wrestle with a wild 2 1/2 year old!  But that's our life and he got to be a part of it. 

When I finally went to bed, I held my cell phone and just looked at the picture of my husband.  I cried some tears, but it was ok. I felt very blessed to have spent time with him many times during the day.

I know deployment is hard and we are just getting started.  But I can't help but feel blessed and thankful that we have the means of communication that we do.  For Jeff's job, he is not "with the enemy." He is behind the scenes ministering to Soldiers.  He is with a man he trusts.  We have faith in God that this will be a safe trip for Him and find confidence in that Jeff is doing God's will. 

Yes, I know it is easy to say that now, but I do truly believe it.  I miss my husband. I'd rather have him here with me.  But if he has to be gone, I have to trust in God.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

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