Friday, March 06, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Gather

It's time for another Five Minute Friday post!  Let's get started!

I am really a homebody.  That week of snow....these last two snow days and this weekend coming up...I'm loving it. Really.

But I do love a good gathering too, especially at my house.

I once had someone ask me, "Do you really like having all these people at your house?"

Yes, and it's not just because I'd rather be home than anywhere else.

There's just something about preparing my home for guests to come together, to gather for a common purpose.  Now, I've had my Mary and Martha moments when I'd rather be hanging out with my guests instead of making preparations in the kitchen, but I've come to realize that I can do both, it just takes extra preparations and organization.

I want my home to be a place where people want to be.  I want my children to love their home, to want to invite their friends over.  I want my home to be a place of love and fun.

When people gather on my couch or at the table or around the fire pit (burn pile) in the backyard, I want memories to be made.  I want them to experience joy and fellowship. I want them to want to come back.

Thanks for joining me in this week's Five Minute Friday party.  If you are new here and not sure what this is all about, just head on over to to find out more. Basically you write about the prompt for five minutes. No overthinking, no editing, no stressing, just writing.

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