Last week, I completed week 2 of Survival Sisters through Wives of Faith. One of the discussion questions asked, "If God's grace brings salvation, instruction in godliness, and hope in Christ's return should it reflect how we live?"
My answer was, "Yes, most definitely."
You see, when we enter into a relationship with Christ, we usually say that we gave our hearts to him or that we asked him into our heart. That means that Christ lives within us. If he does indeed live within us, then we change.
We allow him to take control of our lives. Thus, our lives should reflect that. When people look at me, especially those that knew me before I knew Christ, they should see that I am a different person. Even those that know me and see me day in and day out should be able to see Jesus in all that I do. I should reflect his love and compassion. I should try to be teaching others about him. I should reflect Christ in all that I do.
It is one thing to say that I am a Christ Follower, but it is another thing to live it. 1 Corinthians 4:20 says, "For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power."
There is truth in that.
So many times, I have said these things:
I want God's will to be done in my life.
If God brings me to it, He will bring me through it.
God is in control. I trust him.
I know that God will never leave me.
The list goes on. Have you said these things too?
Like me, you may have found that living those statements is more difficult than saying them. Living them shows whether or not we have true faith. It shows if we are walking the walk instead of talking the talk.
It is easy to live for the Kingdom when we are on that mountaintop. But what about when we are in the valleys? Deployment? Loss of spouse? Loss of child? Loss of job? Cancer? Depression? Loneliness? What about those times?
It is in those times that we find out if we really believe in the power of God. God asks us, "Do you really believe?" And we want to say yes, but how can we be sure?
Surround yourself with Him. Read His Word. Talk to Him through prayer. Fellowship with other Christ Followers. Worship and praise Him through song. The more time you spend with God, the stronger your relationship is.
Think about it. If you never water your flowers, you never tend to them and protect them, then they will wilt and die. Likewise, if you never tend to your relationship with the Lord, it will wilt and never be what you want it to be.
The best thing I can say to you today is this....
God loves you. He wants to spend time with you. He wants to strengthen you. He wants to give you hope.
Sounds simple doesn't it? Here's the have to pursue Him. Put down that iPhone. Get off Facebook. Stop pinning on Pintrest. Turn off the TV. Take time away from those activities and.....
Open your Bible. Fall to your knees in prayer. Meet God right where you are. You will never regret the time you spend with the Lord.
Life will not always be perfect. God never promised us that. He will, however, give us the strength to get through those difficult days, to find the blessings in our messes. Spending time will change you in so many wonderful ways. Just you wait.
I was that girl in high school that got angry with a friend for praying for me. I felt like there was nothing wrong with me. But there was. Now I am that girl praying for others and asking people to remember me in prayer. No longer am I that smarty pants potty mouth gossip. I try to encourage and build each others up. I'm not perfect. God convicts me when I am wrong. I thank Him for doing so.
So Friends, it is Monday. Time for a new start. I encourage you this week to seek God. Live by His power. When you do, you will forever be changed and others will notice. They will want what you have. They will want Christ. And isn't that what we are called to do, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ? What better way than to live a life that demonstrates the Power of the Holy One!
My answer was, "Yes, most definitely."
You see, when we enter into a relationship with Christ, we usually say that we gave our hearts to him or that we asked him into our heart. That means that Christ lives within us. If he does indeed live within us, then we change.
We allow him to take control of our lives. Thus, our lives should reflect that. When people look at me, especially those that knew me before I knew Christ, they should see that I am a different person. Even those that know me and see me day in and day out should be able to see Jesus in all that I do. I should reflect his love and compassion. I should try to be teaching others about him. I should reflect Christ in all that I do.
It is one thing to say that I am a Christ Follower, but it is another thing to live it. 1 Corinthians 4:20 says, "For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power."
There is truth in that.
So many times, I have said these things:
I want God's will to be done in my life.
If God brings me to it, He will bring me through it.
God is in control. I trust him.
I know that God will never leave me.
The list goes on. Have you said these things too?
Like me, you may have found that living those statements is more difficult than saying them. Living them shows whether or not we have true faith. It shows if we are walking the walk instead of talking the talk.
It is easy to live for the Kingdom when we are on that mountaintop. But what about when we are in the valleys? Deployment? Loss of spouse? Loss of child? Loss of job? Cancer? Depression? Loneliness? What about those times?
It is in those times that we find out if we really believe in the power of God. God asks us, "Do you really believe?" And we want to say yes, but how can we be sure?
Surround yourself with Him. Read His Word. Talk to Him through prayer. Fellowship with other Christ Followers. Worship and praise Him through song. The more time you spend with God, the stronger your relationship is.
Think about it. If you never water your flowers, you never tend to them and protect them, then they will wilt and die. Likewise, if you never tend to your relationship with the Lord, it will wilt and never be what you want it to be.
The best thing I can say to you today is this....
God loves you. He wants to spend time with you. He wants to strengthen you. He wants to give you hope.
Sounds simple doesn't it? Here's the have to pursue Him. Put down that iPhone. Get off Facebook. Stop pinning on Pintrest. Turn off the TV. Take time away from those activities and.....
Open your Bible. Fall to your knees in prayer. Meet God right where you are. You will never regret the time you spend with the Lord.
Life will not always be perfect. God never promised us that. He will, however, give us the strength to get through those difficult days, to find the blessings in our messes. Spending time will change you in so many wonderful ways. Just you wait.
I was that girl in high school that got angry with a friend for praying for me. I felt like there was nothing wrong with me. But there was. Now I am that girl praying for others and asking people to remember me in prayer. No longer am I that smarty pants potty mouth gossip. I try to encourage and build each others up. I'm not perfect. God convicts me when I am wrong. I thank Him for doing so.
So Friends, it is Monday. Time for a new start. I encourage you this week to seek God. Live by His power. When you do, you will forever be changed and others will notice. They will want what you have. They will want Christ. And isn't that what we are called to do, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ? What better way than to live a life that demonstrates the Power of the Holy One!

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