Monday, April 11, 2011

Days 84-90

So, I want to say thanks for waiting patiently for my final reflections. We were only vacation last week and I stored all my reflections on the iPad.

Day 84
On Carson's closet door, Colin created a scene depicting today's scripture. It is made of masking tape. When he made it, he knew the scripture behind it. Now that Carson is old enough, he asks frequently for me to tell him what the crosses mean.

I am always amazed at the "believing thief." Even at death, he believed in Jesus.  I wonder how he heard of Jesus. Was he up Gino good and overheard someone's conversation or did he sit at the feet of  Jesus once?

Regardless, he believed. Regardless, he was forgiven. Regardless, he was saved.

May we never doubt Jesus. May we never mock him.  May we stand up for him, even to the point of death.

Day 85
After reading Matthew 27:45-54, there were a couple of things that struck me. First, I think about the onlookers saying, " Let's see if He will save him." this reminded me of the thief from yesterday. Yes, this all could have been stopped. However, that was not God's plan. Without these events, this horrible death of our Jesus, death would not have been defeated, our path to salvation would have been broken.

Secondly, I think about the sadness in verse 54, "Truly this was the Son of God." I think this was sad because the guards had just realized the truth of it all. They had just crucified Christ. Imagine the unbelief of who He was, those mocking Jesus. Then all the signs of his death occurring in front of you. Oh, the heartache.

We must never stand by in disbelief. We must not wait until it is too late to believe.  The time for us to know, to believe, and to put our trust in Jesus is now.  How sad it would be to come to the end of our lives and then realize what we had missed out on.

Day 86
He is risen! What great news!

It seems I have always known the story of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. I have never questioned it.  Yet, when I surrendered my life to Jesus, the events became so much more powerful. They have more meaning. They have made me into who I am today.

It hurts us when we lose a loved one. I have never witnessed a death, although I have been in the room shortly after. When Pa Tootsie died, I saw his lifeless body in the hospital bed. That was so difficult. The nurses asked us to leave so they could "prepare him" for us.  Then there is the pain of the first viewing of the body at the funeral home.  Sometimes, it is almost a relief.  Seeing a body that is no longer in pain.  So, I can only imagine how these women must have felt.

You see, they knew Jesus. They served Him. They learned from Him. They loved Him. They saw him crucified. They witnessed The Word come to life before their very eyes. They found his tomb empty.  What a blessing it was for them to be there and witness all of these things. How blessed that they were chosen to be the first to be told the glorious news, "He is risen!"

Day 87
I am a firm believer that we are not created equal. Now I don't mean that some people are better than others. I just mean that we are not the same. A long time problem with lots of women is that we constantly compare ourselves to other women. We want their talents, their hair, their wardrobes, their bodies. Then, we want to do things that men do.  I will be the first to admit that I am not cut out to do a man's job. I am not a wieney, but I know my limitations.

I know for a fact that I am so truly blessed to be a woman.  I get to experience so many wonderful things: the incredible aches, pains, and joys of pregnancy and child birth, the "needed" feeling from my children when only mom will do, the bond shared with other Christian women, the gift of encouragement. Being a woman is a wonderful gift.

Jesus had a special relationship with women. He gave them the love they so desired. He taught them. He gave them opportunities to serve and here, in Luke 24:9-12, he chose women to be the first witnesses to his resurrection. What a blessing!

As women, God provides us with so many amazing opportunities. We should never stand by wanting to do things that are not our responsibility, or our jobs.  We should take advantage of what Jesus has planned for us.

Day 88
I've mentioned before that my faith in Christ is growing. I trust him. I know there is a specific plan laid out for my life. I have no idea what the future holds. However, I am His. Whatever the plan, I have faith that he will keep his promises.  I don't want to come face to face with Jesus and him ask, "Why did you doubt me?"

I also don't want him to ask me why I didn't stand up for him.  You see, I think a lot of times I don't say or do things because I fear that I don't know enough about his word. I can't really quote the Bible. I remember what I read, but I can't tell where it is located. I am still learning. However, I can't use that as an excuse. Others must know what I am about now. I must speak up for Jesus now. I must live for him now. I must let him extinguish my fears now.

Day 89
Today's scripture, Luke 24:36-49, reminds me of the song I Can Only Imagine. Today, we are walking in faith. We have not seen Jesus face to face. We have heard the Word, and we have seen his works. We chose to believe in that which we have not seen.

But oh, what a glorious day that will be when we are face to face with Jesus.  Will we stand in awe? Will we fall to our knees? Will we not be able to believe our eyes? I can only imagine!

Day 90

My friend.

My redeemer.

My healer.

My protector.

My teacher.

My savior.

My life.


There is none like him. There never will be.  Became to earth to live as a human. He lived a perfect life, yet was crucified and bore the sins of all humanity.

Let me say that again.

Jesus lived a perfect life. Yet he bore the sins of all humanity.

My sins.  Your sins.

Jesus died a horrible death so that we would not have to.

He fulfilled the word of God.

I am so thankful for Jesus.  I am thankful for what he has done in my life and thankful for what he will accomplish through me.

Jesus doesn't need me. He doesn't need you.  However, we need him.  I am so glad that I opened my heart to him when I did.

Dear Sweet Jesus, how I love you.

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