These past few days I have been reminded about what an awesome responsibility and blessing it is to be a mom.
I think of my children as MINE. However, I have been reminded that my children are HIS.
You see, God chose me to be the earthly guardian of these precious children. It is my responsibility to take care of them and raise them to be Christian men. Ultimately, we are all God's children. When He makes us parents, God is choosing those he wants to care for His children until they are returned to Him.
I stop to think about what an awesome responsibility that is. God CHOSE me and Jeffrey to be the parents of Colin, Carson, and Carter. He knew that we are what those children need. Now, we are to care for them and raise them for Him. We are to help them become the God fearing men that He has planned.
Yesterday during Sunday School, we were asked to say something good about our moms. Then we were asked, "What do you want your children to say about you when they are adults?"
Wow! What a question!
I hope that my children can say that they never had a doubt that I loved them. Everything I did for them was out of love. I want them to say that I did the best I could to raise them in a Christian home, that I taught them about Jesus and helped them to know and love Him. I want them to say I put them above my own selfishness, that I thought of them and their daddy before I thought of myself. I want them to say that I provided for them the best I could, that I knew how to have fun with them. I want them to say I was forgiving and compassionate. I want them to say they saw Jesus in me. I want them to be thankful that God chose me to be their mom. I want them to rise up and call me blessed!
Yesterday at church, Bro. Copass talked about motherhood as a divine calling. We must remember that Christian mothers can NOT do it alone. We need the help of our Christian husbands, church, and most importantly, our Heavenly Father. We must be willing to admit that we are not perfect. We must be willing to ask for help. We must be willing to be a Christian example to our children.
As we sang the hymn of invitation, I got to thinking about the day I received Jesus as my Savior. That was the best decision I have ever made, not only for me, but also for my children. You see, I had gone to see Bro. Copass about dedicating Colin to the Lord before our church. As we talked, he asked me the most important question, a question that had never been asked to me before. He asked, "Have you received Jesus as your personal Savior?" I just knew he thought I was crazy. My answer was no, but here I was wanting to dedicate my precious child to the Lord. But you know what? Bro. Copass didn't think any less of me. He helped me to see that it was just as important for me to be a Christian mother and wife as it was to want to dedicate my son. So that day, Friday, June 18. 2004, I made a decision that affected my entire family. I admitted that I couldn't do it alone, that I knew who Jesus was and believed in Him and his resurrection with all my heart, and that I needed Him to save me and change my life. He promised me He would, and He hasn't let me down.
That following Sunday as we dedicated Colin to our Lord, I made a public profession of my faith in Jesus. Following me down the aisle was my husband. Wow! A month later, we were baptized in front of our friends, family, and Heavenly Father. Since then, God has worked wonders in our lives. We are totally dedicated to serving God. We teach Sunday School, serve as nursery workers, Jeffrey serves as a deacon, and is working toward becoming an Army Chaplain. I teach VBS each summer and have had the amazing opportunity to lead children to Christ, and have invited women into my home for Bible study. My mother and father in law were baptized and joined the church. Colin opened his heart to Jesus and was baptized. God isn't finished with us. I am not boasting about me and my husband. This is not our work, but rather the work of our Lord. This is all HIM.
We each have been blessed with gifts. I have been blessed with the gift of motherhood. With that gift comes responsibility. God used my oldest son to reach me, a lost mother who wanted to raise her child in a Christian home. I owe it to Him to train up these children in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they will not depart from it.
During the invitation yesterday, a young mother came forward and surrendered her life to Jesus. I was so happy for her as I knew she was making the best decision of her life, not only for her, but also for her family. What an amazing Mother's Day gift she was able to give!

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