First we stopped by school and saw my kids. Jalen was so excited I was back, but I had to burst his bubble and let him know I was only visiting. They were so excited to see Carter for the first time. We had to take a group picture to show Carter's first day of school!
After a crazy trip to get our church's Hot Rods tickets for Saturday, we stopped by our favorite place in the world, Chaney's Dairy Barn (aka Chinese Dairy Barn according to Carson).
Carson enjoyed his Blue Moon ice cream.
Carter enjoyed his bottle.
And me? I enjoyed my strawberry cheesecake ice cream of course!
Tomorrow is the last day of school. I'll be glad to have all 3 of my boys home with me. There's no telling what we will get into this summer!

Oh my goodness!! I posted a comment on your Women of Faith post and then looked at the rest of your blog. My husband is a chaplain for the army too! He's currently in the National Guard and just got back from ten months in Afghanistan. :)