Waiting patiently.....

Putting on the finishing touches.....

Scurvy Pirate....Aarrg!
Scurvy Pirate at 2 1/2 months old
Saturday was the trio's (Carson, Anna Laura, and Kylie) birthday party at Imagination Stations. What a great time! I can't believe our babies are 3 years old!!!!
Carson and Kylie....6 months old
Carson and Anna Laura....6 months old
Carson, Anna Laura, and Kylie
Happy Birthday!!!
Finally...Cake, aarrg!
Carson on his new "motormichael" bicycle
Saturday afternoon, Jeffrey's cousin Brian who is HOME from Iraq came by with his family for a bonfire. He gave Colin one of his shirts. Colin has spent lots of time in prayer for Brian's safe return. May we all have the faith of a child!!

Brian and Colin
We were supposed to have family over today for Carson's birthday (which is tomorrow...I know, we can't do anything small). However, Carson got sick Saturday night, so we had to cancel. We hope to do something Monday afternoon if the weather holds out.
Happy Birthday to Carson!! I can't believe that he is already 3! I love the cake - you are so talented. :o)