It seems like only yesterday.......

You were finally brought to us after a brief stay in NICU. We are so thankful to God that you are healthy and growing. God answers prayers and you are one of them. You'd never know by those cries of, "NO! NOT THAT ONE!" that your lungs were struggling those first few hours.
May you and Colin always share a close brotherly love. Take care of each other. Stand up for one another. Lean on each other. How blessed you are to be brothers.

Jeffrey delivered this birthday surprise at lunch. I've had the pleasure of hearing it ALL afternoon. Thanks, Honey.

My how you've grown......

Jeffrey delivered this birthday surprise at lunch. I've had the pleasure of hearing it ALL afternoon. Thanks, Honey.
"For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted my petition which I asked of Him."
1 Samuel 1:27
Happy 3rd Birthday, Carson. We love you!!
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