Friday, August 28, 2015

What Should I Write About Today?

When I started writing here on the blog, I made a promise to God that this space would be honoring to Him.  Regardless if I were posting about my family, my job, or whatever topic came up, my words would be used to glorify Him.

But how can I do that?

I have to surround myself with books and people and sights and sounds that speak of Him.

I've made a commitment to study His Word, to hide its words in my heart.  Personal Bible study, teaching Sunday school, and daily devotions help give me the words I need to share about my Lord.

Being with others who share my beliefs, who are in the same season of life as I am, or who mentor to me also gives me inspiration for writing.

Motherhood always provides detailed topics as well.  And don't forget the  adventures (and misadventures) of being a military spouse.

Now, not every single exposure brings about writing inspiration.

Sometimes it takes me losing my witness or dealing with difficult people to inspire my writing.  Those are the times that a "slap in the face" stirs the words to the point they have to be written down.

Although I do my best to surround myself with things to inspire my writing, it isn't always easy.

Being a full time school teacher, a mom of three boys, a supportive wife, a soccer coach, and taking on other roles, I don't always have the time to indulge in the things that inspire me.  Reading, writing, traveling, and fellowship are not always possible.

In my dream world, I'd love to have a flexible schedule (and lots of money) to be able to read and write, experience and write, and well....just write.  My husband tells me I need to write a book. I told him to get rich so I don't have to work and I will!

I do find that some of my experiences stir my creativity to write, but I often don't.  Sometimes its the time factor, and sometimes its the personal factor: will this person read this blog post and get offended.  There have been  several times I've wished to share my insight or thoughts here, but I felt it wasn't appropriate to risk offending a loved one or friend.  That's extremely difficult since I so desire truth.

My schedule may not be perfect, but I am trying to learn how to surround myself with things and people that influence my writing in a positive manner. That's the goal, to use truth, real life, the ugly, to show how God works in all things.

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