As children, we get asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
We are often told by those that love us, "You can do anything you set your mind to. Just follow your dreams."
Follow your dreams.
My dream was to get married. Have 3 children: 2 boys and a girl. To teach.
As a young girl and teenager, that's what I wanted out of life. I never thought much more than that.
However, my dreams became reality based on God's will for my life. I'm married. I'm teaching. I have three children....3 sons. I am the wife of an Army Chaplain. And I want more. As an adult, I have dreams for my future, things I want to accomplish.
I've learned to follow God's lead and work to become the woman He wants me to be. And sometimes, that means letting go of dreams or having new ones.
Dreams are a good thing. But they can become idols if we let them. We aren't meant to do everything we want. We are meant to follow God's will. Sometimes His answer to our dreams and plans are, "No. That's not what's best." That my friend can be a hard pill to swallow.
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