That's just typical for me....and I'm fine with that.
School is in full swing here in South Central Kentucky. I'm busy learning about my new group of 4th graders and how to make them have a successful year. Colin is enjoying 3rd grade (still can't believe he will be at my school next year). He's not a big talker when it comes to, "How was your day at school?" He may let me know what happened out on the playground, but very seldom do I get the answers I'm looking for. Carson had a bit of a shaky start with preschool. Like his big brother, he needed A LOT of reassurance. He basically told Mrs. Terri she was writing the letter A wrong. We finally got him convinced that she (and me) are right. Now he can write is name with the correct capital and lowercase letters. He is starting to work a little more independently too.
Soccer is also in full swing. Colin played his tail off Monday night. I was so proud of him. He is so determined when he's out there and doesn't give up. I was worried about him because of the heat, but he did great. Carson had a great practice tonight. So, good I took him to Wal-Mart to buy ice cream cups. He has been fussy and clingy during practices and games (Richie and I would take turns going out on the field so he would play). Tonight though, he realized that playing is more fun that fussing and hanging on to me. Hopefully he will remember that on Saturday! I really hadn't planned on coaching again this year, but Carson wanted to play. I am enjoying playing (um..coaching) though. It is lots of fun and good exercise.
As for Carter....He is getting so big. He was 5 months old on the 12th. Wow! Where does time go? He is enjoying his green beans, peas, cereal, squash, and juice. His carrots tore his tummy up the first (only) time I gave them to him. We will try that again another time. Carter jabbers, scoots, and rolls. He loves to touch your face (and pull hair). He is so funny "talking" to his daddy on the phone. I have been taking him to the nursery during Sunday School and he has been doing well staying in church. He loves the music and everyone around us loves watching him (and his brothers).
We are counting down the days until we head to South Carolina. I am so ready for Jeffrey to be home. I know he is ready to get back to us too. Not much longer! I am just really proud of him. Each day I am amazed at the man God has made him. Neither of us expected our lives to be this blessed (and they wouldn't be if we didn't surrender ourselves to Jesus). It is amazing what He can do.
Jeffrey sent me a letter the other day and talked about how strong I have been. Me? I'm not strong. My strength comes from my Lord and Savior. Without Him, I couldn't do what I do. Being home with my boys is hard. The things I've gone through have been hard. It would be so easy to be all pitiful and complain, but there would be no point in that. Since Jeffrey has been gone, my grandmother passed away, I got a flat tire, our power went out, our computer crashed, Carson got sick, school started, soccer started, and my dad is having cataract surgery. Let's just hope our pets' heads don't start falling off! Life happens. It is like I told Jeffrey the other day when he said he felt bad that he couldn't be here to help me out when Carson was sick and Carter was sleeping well, "It would happen even if you were here." And it would.
There is a song on my iWorship CD in my car (can't think of the name of it), that basically says that there is no point in worrying and being discouraged because Jesus has overcome the world. Because I know God is with me, it makes being alone right now bearable. I know He will take care of me and my boys. Because of the faith I have in Him, I can continue with my busy life, my life that is SO worth living. I'll enjoy my time alone with my boys and count down the days until we are reunited with their daddy, my wonderfully amazing husband. (Then I'm going on vacation!!! HA!!!)
For those of you who have been praying for us throughout this journey and helping me along the way.....THANK YOU! God is answering those prayers.

Hi Natasha -
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate reading your positive outlook on everything - and I'm sure it's an outlook you decide to stick to.
I'm really starting to see that there's this thing that in order to really thrive in military life, I just have to relinquish control...there are far too many variables, extensions, and last minute changes. Whew - that's hard for me! :) Bravo for taking care of things well while he's away and being an example to your kids - they see it.
The ball is two weeks from today! Feels like a slow two weeks, but it really is so close!
Have a great day!
Hi Natasha! How was your first days of school? You start early, a week, almost two before us. When do they get out? Do you do a themed classroom?
ReplyDeleteLove reading about life on your blog! The eating grass story is cute. I laughed because I remember my cousin eating dog food when we were younger. :)