"My Three Sons" are sound asleep (for now), so I've got a little time for a post. I've really missed this!
New Computer
I was SO VERY excited when the Geek Squad called and said we get a new computer for free (because the old one was still under warranty). Needless to say that after soccer on Saturday, I headed to Best Buy to get our new computer. Let's say I am LOVING IT. Basically it is the same as the other, just a little bit of an upgrade.
First Day of School
August 4 was the first day back at school (old news, I know). The boys were super excited to head back and see their old friends and make some new ones. Of course I had to get pictures of them with their new backpacks. Oh, and we just had to have a "back to school silly face" picture.
The boys are well into soccer now (I know, I know. Old news again). Colin amazes me. He plays his tail off each and every game. He carries himself up and down that field just as fast as his little legs will carry him. He loves playing goalie, but really gets into the other positions as well.
I hate that some of their games are at the same time, but I guess that is how it goes. I do love the days when they are at different times so I don't have to miss out.
On the Fritz
The free computer upgrade was a blessing. You see, the radiator on the family truckster seems to be leaking. It will be seeing the mechanic tomorrow. Hopefully we can get it fixed cheap and fast.
I am really getting high tech now. Before our computer crashed, I bought a Logitech Webcam so that we could video chat with Jeffrey through Skype. After it crashed, I was going to try it on the laptop, but it didn't have CD ROM to download the "stuff" for the webcam. So yesterday, I got it all set up. We spent some time visiting with Jeffrey. I was so glad he got to see the boys and they got to see him.
Carter is getting big enough that I am getting comfortable leaving him in the nursery at church. This morning, Hilarie and I did nursery duty and I took a few pictures of the kids.
Vanessa let me borrow Clara and Carlee's Bumpo seat. I love it (honestly didn't think I would. That's why I asked to borrow it instead of buy one). Mostly we use it during meals. Carson thinks it is hilarious. Carter likes it too. He gets a new view!
Counting Down
We are SO counting down the days until we head to Ft. Jackson. Oh, I can't wait to see my Jeffrey. I know we were just there in July, but this time, we get to bring him home with us! Jackie, a dear sweet lady from church, is altering the top of my dress so it fits a little more snug. I can't wait to wear it to the banquet. Ryan, Jeffrey's cousin, is going down with us. Jeffrey may get him set up to meet with the transportation/mechanic people on post so he can see what that is like. It may be something he would be interested in (Can't believe our Ryan is graduating this year! I'll never forget holding him for the first time after he was born!) Not sure what all we will do this visit. The boys want to go back to the museum and Colin is wanting to go to the aircraft carrier. We may head to the beach, not really sure. Seeing Jeffrey is the most important thing.
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