Monday, June 22, 2009

I've Made Choices

With what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. Matthew 7:2

Today after VBS, the boys and I went to meet Jeffrey for lunch at the Chinese restaurant. Edie and Lauren were there too, so we all decided to eat together. Approaching our table, I saw an old childhood friend of mine. I've seen her around town, but I haven't talked to her in ages. She fussed over the boys and we chatted. Then she was on her way.

Later, our conversation went to Tonya. I mentioned that we were once very good friends, but our lives went in different directions. By looking at us, you'd think that there is no way we would have been close, but we were. We were like sisters. Lauren asked, "Did you talk to her?" When I told her yes and explained our connections, she said, "Oh, that's cool."

It would be easy for some people to ignore some childhood friend. To make small talk and move on quickly. Some people may be embarrassed by being seen talking to certain people.

However, we all need to think about this....we have all made choices. Some of those choices are good and some are not. I'll admit. I've done my share of stupid stuff (oh, don't tell Colin I said the "s word"), but really, who hasn't? We are not perfect, but by the grace of God, we can be forgiven.

This year, instead of teaching a specific age group for VBS, I am teaching the Missions class to all of the children. It is great that they are learning about the missionaries who travel the world leading others to Christ and spreading His Love. But what does that really mean to children? Many don't have a clue as to how rugged places are and the dangers that the missionaries encounter in serving God. I feel this is a great opportunity for them to learn that they can be missionaries in their own communities.

Think about it.

For many of them, they are the only Christians their classmates, teammates, and neighbors may ever know. For us as adults, we may be the only Christians that people encounter on a day to day basis. Do we want the gospel to end with us? I certainly don't.

I told the kids this morning that we don't have to be best friends with everyone, but we can show everyone God's love. There are always going to be people who are different. There are always going to be people that hurt us. There are always going to be people who do stupid stuff (sorry, Colin). But Judge not, that you be not judged (Matthew 7:1). Glenda tells us what her dad used to say, "People are people wherever you go." Isn't that so true? But wouldn't you like for someone to say, "Oh, that's cool," about you showing your love to others?

A lot of people that do not attend church have been hurt by Christians. They've been turned off by people who claim to serve God, yet live as hypocrites. That is the most common thing I've heard, "Churches are full of hypocrites." I'm sure I am as guilty as the next person. But we can ask for God's guidance in dealing with people who are different so we don't turn them off to the gospel. Actually, there is a book called How to Deal with Difficult People. It is a great book to help you work through your dealings with people. There is more than one way to show God's love. The easiest thing to do is find out what works best for us. Start there. Touch people's lives with that way. Then find another way, another group of people to love.

Isn't that what we all be loved?

My challenge to you: Be a missionary in your own community. Show God's love to others.

The Lord shall judge the peoples;
Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness,
And according to my integrity within me.
God is a just judge.
Psalm 7:8,11

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult not to judge others, especially if it is someone who has hurt you. Sometimes we often wonder "Why do bad things happen to good people?" or "They never get caught.When will they get theirs?" We just have to remember that nothing is hidden in the eyes of God and we all have to answer to him in the end.


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