Our lives paint a picture, a picture filled with memories. As I sat reading Surprised by Motherhood last night, Lisa-Jo used her words to paint a picture in my mind. I saw what she saw. I felt what she felt (hence the wiping away of tears) and then reflected on myself. Myself as a mom, what has brought me to motherhood, and, I guess in simple terms, a look to the future - how will this motherhood role affect my children.
I want this life of mine to paint beautiful memories for them. I want, and pray to be each day, to be the mother they need me to be. That I can mold them and guide them to be the Christian men God has planned for them.
I want the painted memories to be those of love, compassion, encouragement, and fun. I want them to know when I am wrong, when I mess up, that I honestly, truly try to do the right thing. Because this whole motherhood thing will paint a path for these boys. They will have an image of what a mother is or is not. It will affect them as they become men of age and start dating and then one day marry. I want what I am to impact their decisions on the women they date and then woman that is chosen to become the wife.
If you stopped by here today, Thank You! You've just read my Five Minute Friday post (Yes, I do realize this is Saturday, but a mama's got to write when a mama can write). Five Minute Friday is simple. Each day, visit Lisa-Jo to find out the word of the the week. Then write for five minutes. Don't worry. Don't over analyze (don't analyze at all really). Just write.

Beautiful words Natasha. I imagine your sons will seek out a good and Godly woman, because you have shown them such a dear example of loving large and intentionally. Thank you for sharing your take on the FMF prompt Paint. Thank you also for visiting my blog too. God bless you. :)
ReplyDeleteNatasha! Paint their paths, I love that. We have four boys and these thoughts are constantly on my mind. Beautiful words.