This book is compiled of stories that will move a mother's heart. Each story is unique as is each of our mothering experiences. Some stories are told from a mother's relationship or experience with her own child, while others are told from a woman's relationship with her own mother. Either way, each story is heartwarming. Women share their experiences on seeking God's guidance while parenting. Still, other women share funny stories that many moms can relate too.
In one particular story, a mother is reminded of the love and compassion her mother had shown her as she was growing up. At the time the story was written, the woman was taking care of her mother and become frustrated with something her mom had done. She extended grace to her mother and remembered that she had once done the same for her.
This is a wonderful book for mothers. The stories remind us of the importance of motherhood, the special bond between women and their children, and the grace that we should extend to others because of the grace God has extended to us.
I received a free copy of this book from Leafwood Publishers for the purpose of review. The review is my own opinion of the book.

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