Sunday, October 04, 2015

52 Books in 52 Weeks Update

First off, let me say that I have NOT completed this challenge.  Not. At. All.

Let me say, also, that I have not given up. Not. At. All.
Here are the categories I have fulfilled:

A graphic novel
The Invention of Hugo Cabret

A book you stared but never finished

A book you own but have never read

A book that became a movie 

A book by a female author

A book based on a true story

A book you can finish in a day

These categories are "under construction" because I have either started them or will start them soon:

A book that scares you
A book with antonyms in the title
A book that takes place in your hometown
A book set during Christmas

What all have you read this year?


Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope in some way I have blessed you. I look forward to reading your comment. I may not always get the chance to respond, but I do read every comment.