Saturday, January 07, 2012

Today, I LIVE...

...the life of an Army wife.

Jeff is at drill this weekend, taking part in a change of command ceremony. He will also have a worship service at his unit and the unit he may be transferred to.

As for us at home, Colin has Robotics camp at 10. Carson has his FIRST EVER basketball game at noon. Then we have round two of basketball with Colin at 5:00. A busy day for us.

This is another first that Jeff will miss. We have learned that it goes with the territory of being a military family.  By no means am I pouting or thinking we have it so terrible. I know how blessed we are.  Jeff is only a state away instead of a totally different continent in harm's way.  I will take that any ol' day!

But as I go, I wonder why I get so lucky to teach the adult Sunday School lesson that begins with "sensuality vs sexuality."  Afterall, I'm supposed to be teaching my kindergartners, not the adults!  Thanks, honey, for having drill on the weekend of this lesson!

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