But if you know me, that is nothing new.
I am thankful that fall has finally arrived. I love the summer months, but I love the cool weather, changing leaves, and a good sweater and pair of jeans. Sometimes I wish I was hip enough for some of those furry boots!
I am thankful for a good group of fourth graders. If only they could see their potential. How do you make a child actually care? I haven't figured that one out yet. We talked the other day about effort and they admitted they put more effort into sports and extracurricular activities. I asked the questions: What good is your name on a plaque if you can't read it? What good is a big paycheck if you can't do the math to keep up with it? All I can say is "DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS."
I am thankful Jeffrey is home. Yes, he has been home since the first of September, but I'm still so thankful. He has been going nonstop since he got home. Drill, funeral, his dad's emergency surgery, Drill again, job promotion, remodeling our den to make it a bedroom, Atlanta, and drill this month. Maybe soon we can have some regular ol' family time!
I am thankful that my children seem to have an easy time learning. That is something I prayed for while pregnant and I continue to pray for their intelligence. Over the last 11 years, I have seen the tears of kids that just can't get it. They try and try, but nothing!
Carson is loving preschool and is so eager to share his new found knowledge. Colin is in a pull out group with the district GT coordinator and has started Fall Super Saturdays at WKU. He is taking an art class this time. Carter, oh gosh, is almost 8 months old. He has mastered crawling, has two bottom teeth, can pull up on anything, and is trying to figure out how to walk.
I am thankful that I have Jesus. YES, OH, YES! Sweet Jesus! He gets me through each day. I am ashamed to admit that I haven't been spending as much time with him as I should, but I know he patiently waits for me. I hope I was able to honor him by my work with our recent block party at church. I hope I am able to honor him when I begin teaching the kindergarten Sunday School class this week. I hope I am able to honor him Sunday during our cardboard testimonies. I hope I am able to honor him through the way I live my life.
When I started this blog, I wanted to be able to share my relationship with Jesus in hopes of inspiring some of you to become closer to him. I also wanted to be able to share my life as a military wife. But I can't put this blog before Jesus. It is bad enough that instead of praying or reading the Bible, I choose to watch 10 minutes of TV before falling asleep at night.
Unfortunately, the busyness and chaos of life sometimes makes us get our priorities mixed up. Lately, I've come to the realization that I've done that. I'm trying to get back on track and be the Christian woman God has planned for me. No, I haven't committed these huge sins, but I haven't been spending the time with God that I need to.
God has burdened my heart with three people. Please pray for me as I try to witness to them. Pray for them to have open hearts as well. I have two totally different relationships with these people, 2 coworkers and a close friend. Witnessing is hard for me because I think I am a better writer than speaker. Sometimes I say some pretty stupid stuff. My pregnancy hormones once caused me to tell my students not to act retarded. Man wish I could have proofread that mistake! Maybe I should just write them letter or send and email! HA!
Also, please be in prayer for my sweet friend Gennie. She is to deliver her 3rd baby girl, Haley, tomorrow morning. I can't wait to meet this precious baby!
I'm off to enjoy a hot cup of coffee on this chilly fall evening and spend some time with my boys (if they wake up from their late afternoon naps before bedtime).

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