This week was CRAZY to say the least. We had a four day school week with testing, an assembly, and homecoming. I was so excited to win a $100 gift card from Wal-Mart during the assembly. They just came to thank us for what we do and drew the names of 10 teachers to win a gift card to use for their classroom. Colin was sick on Friday, but his daddy carried him to the square so he could still watch the homecoming parade. Nothing like small town Kentucky during football season!
The past few weeks have been spent visiting with Jeffrey's Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary in the hospital. Wayne had been sick off and on since the first of June. It was a struggle for him to make it through the Relay for Life event then and he just continued to have ailments. Unfortunately, Wayne passed away Wednesday evening and was laid to rest yesterday.
The service was beautiful. Dr. Copass and Bro. Powell did the service at the funeral home. Jeffrey did the graveside service. I was proud of him and just awed by how God is using him. Never in a million years would I have thought that his first military funeral would be that of his uncle.
Yesterday was also our 11th wedding anniversary. Although a bittersweet day, I was with people I love and care for. I am so blessed that Jeffrey's family took me in as one of their own when we started dating in 1991 (yea, you can do the math). They have always showed me love and kindness and been there for me. They were there supporting me 11 years ago on our wedding day. I'm blessed that I could support them yesterday during their difficult time.
We did have an anniversary date. We went to Sam's Club, Shoe Carnival, Khols, and Starbucks with no kids! We seriously considered seeing a movie, but figured that tired parents in a dark movie theater would probably end up snoring.
I look at my husband and I am amazed. Amazed at the man he has become. Since surrending his life to Jesus, he has pursued the will of God. Jeffrey is a people person. He has that personality that draws people to him. What better type of person to be used by God??? I simply adore and love this man. I know he loves and adores me (what wife wouldn't kill to know how her husband truly feels about her?). He is a family man. Yes, he enjoys an occassional round of golf with the guys, but he loves to play with his boys, take them to museums, or play catch in the back yard.
As his wife, I hope I can make him say that he is proud to be married to me. I hope he feels blessed to live his life with me. I hope that I show him day in and day out how much I love, appreciate, and respect him.

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