Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I am totally a morning person.  My favorite thing to do is make a pot of coffee, check out the sunrise, and read my Bible.

Morning is just a special time. It's quite for the most part (I'm usually the only one up). The beauty of the sunrise amazes me.  Although the view out the back door is the same, the image is always different.

And morning reminds me of renewal.  A fresh start.

There's so many ways to connect that thought to Christ.

Joy comes in the morning.

Morning by morning new mercies I see.

He makes all things new.

The earth is filled with His glory.

I like to think that God is a morning person too.  Its full of beauty and peace and so is He.

I'm thankful for mornings, not just for my routine during this time, but for the new start.  Waking to the realization that God has blessed me with a new day, and regardless of what the day brings, He is in it. He's ordained it.

Because I know, "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."

And I can rejoice each morning because of Him.

This post was originally published on February 26, 2016 for the Five Minute Friday Prompt: Morning.  Did you know that three ladies have their Morning posts published in the Five Minute Friday book?  One of those is my dear friend Christy.

Melinda, Me, and Christy

I would love for you to check out this book!  You have two ways to get your hands on a copy.  The first way is to visit Amazon or CreateSpace to purchase your very own copy.  Go ahead. Order one, two, or eight.  Your purchase helps benefit The Vine School and Ten Dollar Tribe.   Another way is to enter to win.  If I were you, I'd do both.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the prompt Morning.  Click below to enter to win a copy of the Five Minute Friday book. 

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