A few years ago, something had happened, can't remember what, but I had said to Colin, "I've lost my marbles."
Later he went to the store with Jeff, and when they were shopping, he told his daddy, "We need to get some marbles."
Jeff asked why, and Colin replied, "Because Mama lost hers."
Bless his heart.
How many times have I felt like I've lost my marbles? Too many to count. But I thank God everyday that He helps me to find them. He may take a few away and replace them with better ones, but God always provides (my marbles).
He provides by answering a prayer. He provides by sending a friend. He provides by bringing peace.
He Provides.
I will continue to lose my marbles, my patience, my temper. But God will continue to be there for me to pick up the pieces, to calm my nerves, to find me when I'm lost in my own sinful nature.
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound! I once was lost, but now I'm found!
Thank you, sweet Jesus!
This Five Minute Friday post was originally published on June 27, 2014. What is Five Minute Friday you ask? It's a wonderful online community of writers who take a one word prompt and write for five minutes flat. No overthinking. No editing (although some of us ELA teachers have to). Just writing. The love of writing has brought forth the Five Minute Friday book, an amazing collection of some of our favorite posts.
You can order your very own copy now! You should probably go ahead and get one for a friend to because each purchase will benefit the Ten Dollar Trip and The Vine School. You can order HERE at Amazon or HERE at Create Space.
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