Monday, September 26, 2016


It's Release Day!

Today is the day you can get your copy of Five Minute Friday Book: A Collection of Stories Written in Five Minutes Flat.  Go ahead, do the Happy Dance!

This week, I have a treat for you.  I will be reposting some of my favorite Five Minute Friday posts. AND you will have the opportunity to win a signed copy of the book. A book, signed by me because I was blessed with the opportunity to contribute to this book!

This Five Minute Friday post was originally published on November 30, 2012.

I remember being so excited about Christmas as a child. The anticipation. The laying in bed hearing noises and wondering if it was Santa I heard.

Now, I watch my own children. Trying my best to raise them in a godly home, I watch the wonder of the season in their eyes. How they touch the tree. Watching the lights. Flicking the ornaments.  The quietness. The stillness. The holiness of it all.

We talk about the true meaing.

The birth of our Lord, our Savior.

Jesus Christ.

The truth.

I wonder how many people really truly believe.

Not in Santa.

In Jesus.

The first gift.

The only gift that matters.

Oh, how I love Him.  How I want to please Him.


Awesome. Holy. Wonderful.

Because of Him, I live. Because of Him, I have a hope and future.  Because of that gift of His life. Of His death. Of His Resurrection.

Thank you, God, for the wonder of the season.  Thank you, God. for your Son, Jesus Christ.

Are you wondering about the Five Minute Friday Book?  Want your own copy?

First you can click HERE  or click HERE to go ahead and order one or two or ten.  Second, click on the Rafflecopter thingy to enter to win your very own signed copy.

All profits from the book will be divided equally between two ministries in South Africa: The Vine School in Cape Town, and The Ten Dollar Tribe!

Oh, and don't forget your Five Minute Friday Gear.  I'm definitely getting my hands on these!

You have to order now, because these products are available for a limited time only.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway and leave a comment telling me your thoughts about the one word prompt WONDER.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I didn't know that you were doing this! I can't wait to read it!!


Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope in some way I have blessed you. I look forward to reading your comment. I may not always get the chance to respond, but I do read every comment.