Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 44 - Daily Denial

Isn't it easy to get into a rut?

Isn't it easy to push things to the side and say, "I'll do that later."

Isn't it easy to form new bad habits.

Our lives can change in the blink of an eye.  We can make a decision that could turn our lives upside down or put us on the straight and narrow. 

I simply love that Beth Moore said that we should surrender daily. I picture getting up each morning and praying a prayer similar to Jabez's, Lord, I am yours.  Please guide my thoughts, my steps, my actions, and my words.  Please walk beside me, keep me from evil, so that I may not cause pain. Help me to put you and your will first. Help me to show love to all that I meet today.

Can I be honest here?

For whatever reason, I did not pray my Prayer of Jabez yesterday.  I had been doing so since I had posted it for you a while back.  I had noticed a change in my attitude. I had been so much more patient. My words a bit sweeter.  But yesterday, I did not prayer it.  By yesterday afternoon, I had become irratable. I wasn't as loving to my family as I should have been.  I didn't fully surrender to my Savior yesterday. 

So this morning, I am thankful that I am up way before the alarm, hours before the sunrise.  I am able to focus on Him.  Yes I am tired, but  I must deny myself.


I know I will stumble.

I know I will fall.

I know if I ask Him, Jesus will pick me back up.

If I deny myself daily for Him, I create new habits.  These habits become who I am.  They make me His.  If I deny myself daily for Him, my life will change. For the better. I will be more like Him.  If I deny myself daily for Him, I will be a better mom, wife, teacher, and friend.  Others will see Him in me.

Father, so many times, I have put myself before you.  I have thought I was too tired, too hungry, to sick to deny myself for you.  For being so selfish, Lord, I am truly sorry.  I love you. I want to please you in all I do.  I want to give myself to you wholy, truly, daily.  Please help me to surrender to you each day. Please help me to deny myself, my wants, my desires for you.  Please make me the woman you have planned.

1 comment:

  1. It must have been the day to be irritable. I was the same way and definitely in a foul mood, It is sometimes so easy to slip into that. I surely had to spend some time praying about that last night. We all get there at times.


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