Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 46 - Assurance of Mystery

I have to admit that I asked God several times to help me understand today's study. I won't read ahead because I don't want to be influenced by anyone except him.

Well, I don't know if it was fatigue or the severe weather, but I just couldn't comprehend.

So I read what Beth had to say.

I totally got it then. I could relate to her story about her husband. I could see how the assurance and mystery of our marriage related to my relationship with Jesus.

While here on earth, I'll never fully understand his ways. I am not meant to. He will however reveal to me what he wants me to know. Each day I am in awe of my Jesus. I learn more about him and love him more each day.

Yet, there will always be things that don't make sense to me or that he is not ready to reveal. I do have the assurance that he is in control and has a plan to make me prosper and not cause me harm. I have the assurance that he loves me. I have the assurance of salvation.

My faith in Jesus is the rock of my assurance.

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