2014 is more than half over. That is hard to believe.
At the beginning of the year, I joined in with other bloggers to live by one word this year. My word was INTENTIONAL. Feel free to go back and read about my decision to choose that one word.
Recently, I reflected on whether or not I'd been living intentionally.
One of the things I mentioned in my decision to live intentionally was to be intentional with my time.
When I first started this blog, I made a deal with God that it would glorify Him. That I wouldn't spend time here if I wasn't spending time with Him. So, if my posts are few are far between, I am keeping my deal with God. I don't want to post just for the sake of posting something. I want each word here to be meaningful and worthwhile.
Another way that I have been intentional with my time is by saying "Good-bye" to my long time friend Hay Day. Yes, that's a game. I had it downloaded on my phone, and it was a great friend to me during my husband's deployment. I was able to play it while I lay in bed during sleepless nights. However, it became quite an addiction. I had to break up with Hay Day. I spent entirely too much time playing this game. I didn't gain anything by playing it other than earning a level up. It didn't make me a better wife or mother. It didn't bring me closer to God. It only helped me procrastinate and waste time.
Probably one of the things I haven't been so intentional with is taking care of myself. Since having my miscarriage, I have gained back all of the weight I lost while my husband was deployed. I've even added a few extra pounds. I'm not happy about it. I know it is a problem. I am hoping to get back on track. Between the emotional issues surrounded by my miscarriage (its still hard. I find myself going back to that time. I cry about it still.) and the difficult school year I had last year, my anxiety and, well, I guess you could call it depression, have hindered me really taking care of myself. It is something I know I must work through. I know I haven't prayed about it enough. I know I need too. Sometimes it is just easier to grab the donut, chips, and Dr. Pepper. But each day is a new day, a day I can be more intentional about my thought processes and be aware of what is leading me to make bad choices about my health.
I know my body is a temple. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds me so...
I also know that I have to be very intentional with how I treat my body. I am a work in progress, and I am going to do my best to make this a priority. Please pray for me.
With school getting ready to start, I want to get started on the right foot. I am participating in an online study of Awakened by Angela Watson.So far, it has been very enlightening. I am learning a lot about my thought processes. I think it will really help me in handling stress and how I interact with my coworkers and students this school year. I am thankful to have two coworkers who are doing the study as well. Maybe we can make an impact in our school.
I realize my life is a gift. Everything about it. I don't want to waste this gift. I want my children to know that I love them and care for them because I was intentional in the time in the time I spent with them and I was present, really there, when we were together. I don't want their memories of me to include a mobile device permanently attached to my hand. I want us to laugh and play and connect in real ways.
I want my husband to know that I cherish him and love him and that he is my heart and soul. I want every word and every deed to be intentional, to be something that will build him up and make our marriage stronger. I want him to know exactly what is in my heart and that I am fully devoted to our family. I want him to know how much he is appreciated and how proud we are of him.
I want those who know me to know that I lived my life to the fullest. That I put everything I had into everything I did. I want them to know of my love for the Lord, that He leads me and guides me in all that I do. I want them to see Jesus through me. When you visit here, when you read these blog posts, I want you to be challenged to live for Christ. I want you to click that X in the top right corner and walk away being a better person. I want you to be blessed by this little piece of the Internet.
So, 2014 isn't over. There is still hope for me to be more intentional in the areas of my life that I am still struggling with. I can continue to be strong in the areas I am being successful in. The biggest thing is seeing where I am weak and making the choice to do something about it.
What about you, Friend? How are you keeping up with your One Word challenge? If you didn't get in on this challenge, what are you waiting for? It's just July! There is always time to make a difference in your life! Get started!
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