Colin is at Space Camp this week. I am missing him, but I know he is having a great time.
Tomorrow he gets to do the EVA mission. Basically, he will be in an astronaut suit, strapped to a ZERO GRAVITY chair, hoisted into the air, and have to put together that triangular pyramid type thing. Maybe I am pretty cool. What's your kid doing this summer?
Three precious children gave their hearts to Jesus. Seeds were planted. There was music, Bible study, laughter, food, and fun. Very thankful to be part of a church that loves children and provides so many opportunities for them to know Christ How was your VBS?
Speaking of my church, I am also grateful for the opportunities they provide for the adults to serve and grow as well. We are encouraged to be leaders, to become involved, and to serve God in so many ways. Thank you, CBC!
3. Lots of political posts on Facebook right now. I won't go into it all. I know you've seen them. May even be a part of them.
I know that one day I will have to answer to God for the way I lived my life.
Does believing the Bible and believing in God, and believing in Jesus Christ make me a small minded person who cannot think for herself? I think not. I don't know about you, but I mess up pretty good when I think by myself. It takes strength and courage to Let Go and Let God, to put your trust in Him, and to decide to live for Him.
I know I will be ridiculed. I know I will be questioned. I know.....
But I know what my life has been like since I gave my heart to Jesus 10 years ago. That was the best decision I have ever made. No, my life isn't perfect. God never said it would be. Those words written in red said that in this world I will have trouble, but I can take heart, because Jesus overcame the world. I believe those words in red.
4. I finished my book study with Wives of Faith. It was great. I even came out of my comfort zone and created a squash spaghetti on my own. Very proud of myself.
Now I am on to my next study. This school year will be a great transition. New teammates. New principal. New assistant principal. So, I've decided to renew, or awaken, my mindset.
I am thankful for coworker friends who are going on this journey with me. Maybe we can be an encouragement to others in our school.
5. It's July. Seriously. Where did June go? Luckily, a week of June was spent at the beach.
Oh, sandy beach, I miss you!
6. Speaking of July. Friday is a little something we call Independence Day. According to, The Fourth of July, or Independence Day, is a federal holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
According to the media, it is a time for sales and discounts at local stores.
Independence, or freedom, brings responsibility. I think sometimes we are moving backwards here in America.
I am thankful for the men and women in uniform who continue to serve our country in order to preserve our freedoms and the freedoms of other nations. I am thankful for my husband who serves our country and our Lord in helping Soldiers find spiritual freedom. Most of all, I am thankful for the freedom found in salvation through Jesus Christ.
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