Today, the question is "What is your favorite scripture and why?"
Of course I love the greatest love story ever told found in John 3:16, but after that, my favorite verse is Psalm 118:24......
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Why do love this verse? It serves as a daily reminder that God is in control. He has planned out each and everyday and it is up to me to be content in every situation. It is up to me to rejoice in my mountaintops and valley moments. One thing I have learned in my 9 year Christian walk is that God is in all things. He is in all situations, good and bad. Those moments mold me and shape me into the woman He has planned for me to be. How can I not rejoice in that?
What about you? What is your favorite scripture? I would love to hear about it.
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